Curling Alberta in cooperation with our curling club presents
the Junior's Triple Spiel.
March 2nd - Ages 6 - 9 - lunch at noon, curling 1pm - 5pm, banquet at 5pm.
Ages 9 and up - curling 9am - 5pm, lunch at noon, banquet at 5 pm.
A prize for each participant along with entertainment at the banquet.
Lunch is breaded chicken nuggets, pop or juice, and ice cream.
Can substitute pasta with alfredo or tomato sauce, parmesan cheese and garlic bread
Can substitute gluten-free bread for garlic bread.
Banquet is a prime rib burger, pop or juice, and ice cream. .
Can substitute pasta with alfredo or tomato sauce, parmesan cheese and garlic bread
Can substitute gluten-free bread.
Email us with your kid's name and if you require any of the substitutions for your kid
Or a special menu due to allergies etc. and we will see what the kitch can do.